
美濃和紙 日本紙製品 日本文化 石川紙业公司NEWS 20241018



石川纸业官网⇒ http://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/ 











2024年上半年新商品 优惠特典信息







◆编辑后记 ~佐藤之城~



〇●〇 畅销商品信息〇●〇















去年的人气商品 2023年11月

今年的人气商品 2024年9-10月








★★★ 2025年辰年迎春最新信息 ★★★


















内容:镜饼 和纸贴陶器 和纸人形 纺织人偶 手球 挂件 签语饼 手巾 纸巾等







<十二生肖饰品 手球 挂件篇> 




■人气商品 每年人气很高的破魔矢、土铃、亲子旋转摆饰、和纸滚滚起き上がりこぼし不断进化发展。








〇●〇 体验店店长箕轮的店铺最新信息〇●〇



岐阜县美浓市 工艺体验












请从这里查看。(数字版 24.8.13) 








手工套装也可从这个EC网站  购买!

(株式会社日本VOGUE社 手作之城)










参赛商品在此(手工套装目录  /本公司直营乐天店  












★★★ OEM 信息 ★★★


将可爱的“和纸滚滚 不倒翁”制作成您的商品。










石川纸业 OEM案例介绍页面



其他 OEM 案例



和纸张子 波奇塔  


原创张子 套娃类型“鷽鸟”等  


★★★ 商品信息 ★★★
有和伞特典 适合休闲的和风现代配色
【 购买特典 】正在实施希望者赠送样品!




【 购买特典 】正在实施希望者赠送样品!











〇●〇 简单制作的原创商品!〇●〇


【 先到特典 】正在实施标签设计费折扣!













手巾原创标签:起订量100~ 设计变更费另计(需商议)




★★★ 目录通知 ★★★












〇●〇 人气商品信息 〇●〇


















美浓和纸友禅染纸目录 本公司博客




负责人寄语 ~佐藤之城~










第31届 美浓和纸灯之艺术展官网









去年的人气商品 2023年11月

今年的人气商品 2024年9-10月






〒501-3721 岐阜县美浓市吉川町2382

石川纸业株式会社 社长石川道大 营业部佐藤 箕轮

电话 0575-33-0228

传真 0575-35-1363

佐藤手机 090-5116-7153

箕轮手机 090-5851-4673

邮箱 shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp


【石川纸业 公司概要】




 樱桃小丸子、史努比、蒙奇奇 株式会社日本VOGUE社 株式会社Sekiguchi、浪客剑心
 、波奇塔 电锯人、进击的巨人、猫咪老师 夏目友人帐

【吉祥物 地方、法人公司、体育】
【交通工具角色 政府机关・博物馆】
 月球探测器 SLIM(日本宇宙航空研究开发机构 JAXA)、三式战斗机 飞燕(岐阜各务原航空宇宙博物馆)、观光列车Nagara(长良川铁道株式会社)、岐阜巴士

【历史人物 武将】
织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康、明智光秀、归蝶 浓姬、石田三成、大谷吉继、黑田长政、福岛正则、岛津义弘、小早川秀秋、牛若丸


和纸杂货 入境游客、日本文化礼品、海外出口日本纪念品、传统工艺原创制作
面向外国游客的和杂货、和风礼品海外销售、美浓和纸 日本传统、日本纪念品 海外人气


Mino Washi Japanese Paper Products Japanese Culture Ishikawa Paper Goods Ltd.NEWS 20241018


"Gift of the Rich Japanese Spirit" - Abundant Information!!

Ishikawa Paper Industries HP ⇒ http://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/ 

(You can view the latest information from the TOP page)

Ishikawa Paper Industries Mino Washi Goods Experience Shop Instagram ⇒


(Latest information from our antenna shop. Introduction of work examples.

Ishikawa Paper Industries 2024 (January-August) New Products Special Offers Introduction


【 Topics This Time 】

◆ November Best-Selling Product Ranking!
Use the order form to get a paper soap bonus!
◆Status of Stock for Year of the Dragon! Can also be used as an order form!
◆"Mino Washi Brand" Registration! 2025 Hina Dolls / May Dolls Catalog!
Free shipping for orders placed by 11/29!!

◆Latest Issue of Suisui Newsletter October
◆New Campaign Information
Popular stationery "Washi Noshi Pochi Bag" - Free shipping when purchasing 30 or more!
"Washi Korokoro" Purchase Bonus Ongoing!
Order 10 or more and get one sample for free!!

【Updated Special Offer Information】

2024 First Half New Products Special Offer Information

◆Latest OEM / Novelty Information from Minowa!

◆Latest Information from the Experience Shop

New Menu "Washi Korokoro Monchhichi" Joins!

◆Recommended Original Products!

<OEM Case Studies>

◆New Product Information

◆Editor's Postscript ~Castle of Sato~

"Akari Art Exhibition Ongoing!!"


〇●〇 Best-Selling Product Information 〇●〇

Ishikawa Paper Industries Direct Shop Popular Product Ranking!!

【Limited】Use the order form to get a zodiac paper soap gift!



Use the order form to get a paper soap bonus!


In response to the question "What's selling now?",

we've ranked the popular products at our direct shop!!

Comparing last November and this September-October!

Please use it as a reference for your orders♪

You can also use it as an order form^^

Here is the Ishikawa Paper Industries Direct Shop Popular Ranking ↓↓


<Aggregation Period>

Last Year's Popular Products: November 2023

This Year's Popular Products: September-October 2024


Use the order form to get a paper soap bonus!


If you use the order form, we will present you with "Zodiac Twelve Animals Paper Soap 50 Sheets"!

It's a fun portable soap with an original package.

For details of the products listed in the ranking, you can view them by entering the product number in the search on the Ishikawa Paper Industries Rakuten top page.


★★★ Latest Information on New Year's Decorations for the Year of the Snake ★★★

2025 Year of the Snake New Year's Decorations Stock Status!!

【Limited】Use the order form to get a zodiac paper soap gift!


Here is the inventory list of New Year's products for immediate delivery.

Bulk purchases OK!

Please use them for the zodiac market and New Year's gifts.

Please check here for New Year's products available for immediate delivery as of 10/18!


The inventory list can also be used as an order form.

Those who use it as an order form will receive a "Zodiac Paper Soap" as a gift!!

Products in stock can be shipped immediately!!

Since production is limited, please prepare early.

*Inventory numbers change daily.

Here are the catalog & product list (profiles) for the Year of the Snake!

The catalog has 52 pages with over 150 items listed, making it a large volume.

【Year of the Snake】 2025 Year of the Snake New Year's Catalog 【Updated September 2024】

【Year of the Snake】 2025 Year of the Snake New Year's Product Profile 1 【Updated June 2024】

Contents: Kagami mochi, Washi-covered ceramics, Washi dolls, Chirimen dolls, Beanbags, Netsuke, Omikuji, Tenugui, Kaishi paper, etc.

【Year of the Snake】 2025 Year of the Snake New Year's Product Profile 2 Hariko 【Updated June 2024】

Contents: Hariko (Papier-mâché)

【Related Blog】



<Ishikawa Paper Industries' Efforts for the Year of the Snake New Year's Decorations>

■Using high-grade white wood stands for the base. Washi and wood go well together, enhancing the appeal of the products

■Introduction of Twelve Zodiac Decorations. New works of the popular Korokoro Twelve Zodiac series, unglazed twelve zodiac, hanging ornaments, unglazed twelve zodiac, etc., which can be displayed every year

■Popular products. Evolved and developed popular items such as Hama-ya, clay bells, parent-child mobile ornaments, and Washi Korokoro Okiagari Koboshi, which are popular every year.

Added hanging ornament with Shimenawa and stand. You can choose from single item, with stand, or stand + ornament.

■Renewed Kagami Mochi. Compact new Kagami Mochi.

Added new parts such as Kadomatsu and Ise lobster. We also have high-grade paulownia boxes that serve as storage boxes and stands.

Kagami Mochi decorations are popular because they can be displayed every year, unlike perishable items.

■Added new materials. Started handling unglazed ceramics and glass products.

For those who want wholesale prices and image photos, we will respond individually. Please let us know^^


〇●〇 2025 Hina Dolls May Dolls Information 〇●〇

Certified as Mino Washi Brand!!

Hina Dolls / May Dolls Catalog & Product Profiles

Free shipping for orders placed by 11/29♪


Our new Hina Dolls and May Dolls have been certified as New Mino Washi Brand!

What is the "Mino Washi Brand"?

It is a certified product by the Mino Washi Brand Cooperative Association.

Strict quality standards are set, and only products that meet those standards are certified.

The standards cover a wide range, including production area, producer, raw materials, manufacturing method, quality, ecology, and use of original paper.

There are two main types of Mino Washi Brand.

The regular Mino Washi Brand and the New Mino Washi Brand (commonly known as M Brand) with even stricter quality standards.

At our company, we have over 1,000 products registered with the Mino Washi Brand! (Most obtained among related companies)

Over 200 products registered with the M Brand!! (Again, the most obtained)

In other words, we are number one in Japan for Mino Washi Brand registrations!!! Number one in the world!!!

Mino Washi is a traditional Japanese craft with a history of 1,300 years.

Our proud, one-of-a-kind Hina Dolls and May Dolls made of Mino Washi, each handcrafted!

Please consider them^^

■2025 Hina Dolls / May Dolls Catalog

Hina Dolls https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/02/12/212_1_file.pdf

(Related Blog) https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/news/detail_1404.html 

May Dolls https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/01/71/171_1_file.pdf  

(Related Blog) https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/news/detail_1414.html 

*Additional May Hariko will be posted in October 

■2025 Hina Dolls / May Dolls Product Profiles

Hina Dolls https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/02/13/213_1_file.pdf 

May Dolls https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/01/71/171_1_file.pdf 

These are product introductions that can be used for sales talks and promotional POPs!

Includes photos, JAN codes, suggested retail prices, sizes, and set contents.

Please use them for creating materials.

Excel materials are also available. If you would like them, please contact the Circulation Department!

Also, for those who wish, we can provide photos of each product. Please inquire.

【Recommended Hina Dolls for 2025!】

■For the new 2025 works, we have created large and medium-sized three-tiered and two-tiered displays using the handcrafting techniques of a Washi shop.

■These are Ishikawa Paper Industries' "Original Hina Stands" three-tiered and two-tiered displays using high-grade white wood stands.

■They are beautiful Hina stands completed after repeated design and prototyping by Ishikawa Paper Industries.

■Especially "Yū" is a beautiful Hina doll completed after many years of prototyping. Compact yet large size for our company.

■Each series is named "Yū", "Rin", "Tsumugi", and glass "Midori".

■All are Ishikawa Paper Industries originals that fit both Japanese and Western styles. Compact and can be displayed anywhere in today's era.

■"Experience Consumption" with DIY Kits

DIY kits born from end-users are popular.

With art and craft techniques, Ishikawa Paper Industries' DIY kits can be easily enjoyed by all ages and genders. They are also widely used in workshops and events.

■Popular products. From new works to long-selling items, we have a full lineup of popular items every year such as Shimenawa hanging ornaments, mobile dolls, and handmade beanbag dolls.

■For product details, please see the separate product profiles that can also be used for promotions.

【Recommended May Dolls for 2025!】

◆A luxurious compact May doll decoration where you can display both "Koi-nobori" and "Kabuto", which modern users seek, by setting high-grade Chirimen Koi-nobori decorations with gorgeous Mino Washi Kabuto decorations of original design.

◆Provides the enjoyment of displaying Mino Washi Kabuto decorations and Koi-nobori decorations separately. Each comes with a high-grade white wood stand individually.

◆Mino Washi Kabuto decorations feature precise and beautiful patterns that cannot be expressed with fabric,

Available in original choices: "shira Wave", "Dot Gold", "shira Sakura", "shira Wave Black", "shira Wave Gold", "Yuzen Gold".

Various choices of Kuwagata (helmet crest): "Long Kuwagata", "Large Kuwagata", "Crescent Moon".

Koi-nobori decorations can be chosen from "shira" type or "Color" type.

◆You can purchase according to your needs, such as popular paulownia box types and white wood stand types.

◆"Experience Consumption" with DIY Kits

DIY kits born from end-users are popular. With art and craft techniques, Ishikawa Paper Industries' DIY kits can be easily enjoyed by all ages and genders.

They are also widely used in workshops and events.

◆Popular products

From new works to long-selling items, we have a full lineup of popular items every year such as May doll Hariko, Shimenawa hanging ornaments, mobile dolls, and handmade beanbag dolls.

◆Early order benefits for corporations who place orders by the order deadline!

Benefit: Free shipping service! *Orders can be placed from 1 unit. If shipping is divided and delivered to multiple locations, only one location is applicable. In case of split deliveries, only the first delivery is applicable.

[Order Deadlines]

First Round Hina Dolls May Dolls: Wednesday, 10/31

Second Round Hina Dolls May Dolls: Friday, 11/29

Since our products are produced domestically in Gifu Prefecture, we can provide stable supply.

*Because each item is handmade, we have set order deadlines to deliver higher quality products.

*Since they are handmade, we will prioritize production and delivery for customers who place orders.

*Depending on the product, orders and deliveries after December may be delivered after February, so please place your orders early.

*When ordering, please specify the product number and name, and place your order by email (Excel data) or fax.

*Cancellations after ordering cannot be accepted due to handmade production.

Please contact us within 8 days of ordering for changes in order quantity or delivery date. We may not be able to accommodate changes due to handmade production.


★★★ Latest Issue of Suisui Newsletter ★★★

Monthly Paper of Ishikawa Paper Industries Delivering Our Latest Information and Best-Selling Products Every Month


Click here for the latest information Suisui Newsletter October Issue

*Since it's a PDF, it may take time to download.

Click here for the introduction blog


■2025 New Hina Dolls / May Dolls Early Reservation Benefit Free Shipping Service!

■"Exclusive Catalog for Shrines and Temples"! Introduction of new products for shrines, temples, and shrine customers!

Benefit! Paid sample shipping service, order from 1 unit, free shipping for total wholesale price of 5,000 yen

■Pre-revision price benefit! "Convenient Magnet Series"! New products "Clip-on Magnet Flower, Hexagram, Heart"

■New product! Washi Korokoro Red Demon DIY Kit Debuts!

■Now is the best time♪ Introduction of purchase benefits!


★★★ New Campaign Information ★★★

Popular Stationery "Washi Noshi Pochi Bag" is Targeted in the Campaign!

Free Shipping When Purchasing 30 or More!


In conjunction with the addition of new patterns to the Washi Noshi Bags,


【Washi Noshi Pochi Bag Purchase Bonus】Campaign Starts!


Campaign Name "Noshi Pochi 30"!

The content is that when you order 30 or more noshi bags or pochi bags (assorted OK),

you get free shipping!!

Click here for the stationery catalog featuring Noshi Pochi Bags 

Repeat orders as well as new orders are welcome!

Please consider setting up a Noshi Pochi corner or developing it together with other stationery during this opportunity♪


【Washi Korokoro Purchase Bonus】Campaign Ongoing!


Bulk Purchase Campaign!

For customers who purchase 10 or more of the Washi Korokoro series (completed or kits),

we will give you one Washi Korokoro of your choice for free!!

Please take this opportunity to line up the Washi Korokoro series♪

Click here for the Washi Korokoro Series Catalog ↓↓

https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/02/46/246_1_file.pdf Completed Products

https://www.ishikawa-shigyo.com/lsc/lsc-upfile/catalog/02/48/248_1_file.pdf DIY Kits

■Currently Ongoing Campaign Information

Click here for the campaign introduction blog ↓↓


*For details, please contact the Circulation Department♪

・Mino Maneki Bonus

・Hand-dyed Mino Washi Bookmark Transparent Fixture Gift Bonus

・Clip-on Magnet Magnet Board Gift Bonus

・Wagasa 20 or more Sample Gift Bonus

・Tenugui Original Label Bonus

・Noshi Pochi 30 Bonus

Circulation Department


Sato 090-5116-7153

Minowa 090-5851-4673

★★★ Latest OEM Novelty Information from Minowa ★★★
Accepting OEM from Small Lots!
Production of Novelties Using Traditional Craft Mino Washi
DIY Kits Available

■Washi Korokoro Small Lunar Lander SLIM
Realized at the request of the SLIM Project Team of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)!

Click here for SLIM  

■Official Character Goods of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

The official character "Tobita-kun" goods are completed!

Selling both completed products and DIY kits!

It's unique to our company to be able to make a DIY kit version at the same time♪

Click here for the completed product (Experience Shop Newsletter Blog)  

■Mino Washi Bookmarks Made by Ishikawa Paper Industries

Used in the exchange event at the "Land of Clear Streams Gifu" Cultural Festival 2024 held in Gifu Prefecture



〇●〇 Experience Shop Manager Minowa's Latest Shop Information 〇●〇

"Washi Korokoro Monchhichi" DIY Experience

Monchhichi Celebrating its 50th Anniversary This Year!

Craft Experience in Mino City, Gifu Prefecture

Experience Shop October Schedule


We are publishing the cute works handmade by customers on our Instagram!


Please follow us♪^^

At the order of Nippon Vogue Co., Ltd., a major handicraft kit company,

"Monchhichi" of Sekiguchi Co., Ltd.

was born as a Washi Korokoro DIY kit of "Mino Washi"!

The Washi Korokoro "Monchhichi" DIY kit was released by Nippon Vogue Co., Ltd.

At our experience shop, you can "specially" experience making it and purchase the DIY kit!

Only at our company can you experience it at a "special price".

We were interviewed by Asahi Shimbun!
You can view it here. (Digital Version 24.8.13) 

Please come to the Washi Korokoro "Monchhichi" DIY experience at "Udatsu Wall Historical District", a tourist attraction in Mino City, Gifu Prefecture.

Using the Mino Washi parts available in our shop,

why not make your own favorite Monchhichi?

We can accommodate tour groups of 10 or more if you make a reservation.

Mino Washi souvenir trips and experiences are also recommended for family trips!

It is a Mino Washi goods DIY experience recommended for families.

The DIY kit can be purchased fromthis EC site  !

(Nippon Vogue Co., Ltd. Handmade Town)

Click here for the Mino Washi Goods Experience Shop October-November Schedule  

New menu available!

"Otani Yoshitsugu" has joined the samurai series DIY experience!

Please check the EC site for product reference.


Let's all enjoy unique works!

We will continue to hold contests on Instagram after September! Prizes will be awarded to winners!

Please post your work along with the following keywords.


Eligible products are here (DIY Kit Catalog /Our Direct Rakuten Shop )

Our kit products made in the past are also eligible.

Contest Period

From September 1, 2024~

Announcement of Winners: Will be announced on Instagram.

Prize Shipping: Will be notified via Instagram DM.

*If there is no reply to the winning DM within the deadline, the prize will be invalid.

The images you post will be used as work examples in the experience shop.

We look forward to your posts!

Stay tuned to see what kind of works will be posted!

Please be sure to like the posted works!


★★★ OEM Information ★★★

Ishikawa Paper Industries OEM Case Studies Starting from Small Lots

We Can Turn Cute "Washi Korokoro Okiagari Dolls" into Your Products.

DIY Kits Are Also Available!


Our very popular product "Washi Korokoro".

An auspicious design that rights itself seven times after falling eight times.

Lot from 300 units~.

Our creators at the head office will make wonderful products with the skills and ideas cultivated over the years!

Not only completed products, but also possible to make into DIY kits (with instructions to make the dolls easily)!!

You can also hold workshops using DIY kits.

※※ Past Case Studies ※※

Ishikawa Paper Industries OEM Case Introduction Page

Washi Korokoro Tsubakuro

Washi Korokoro Kuidaore Taro

Other OEM Examples

▲Collaborations with popular anime!

Original Hariko "Attack on Titan", "Chainsaw Man", etc.

Washi Hariko Pochita  

▲Favored by shrines!

Original Hariko Matryoshka Type "Uso Bird", etc.  
For OEM inquiries, please contact the Circulation Department.


★★★ Product Information ★★★
With Wagasa Bonus - Modern Japanese Color Scheme Suited for Casual Wear
【Purchase Bonus】Sample Shipment Available for Those Who Wish!


Click here for the umbrella catalog
*Special discount rate


【Purchase Bonus】Sample Shipment Available for Those Who Wish!


A modern arrangement of traditional Janome umbrellas,

umbrellas with modern Japanese color schemes suited for casual wear.

With simple colors, they can be used by both men and women and can also be used as parasols.

Recommended Points for Purchasing at Ishikawa Paper Industries

・Because it's Ishikawa Paper Industries, a comprehensive wholesaler of Japanese goods, you can purchase various Japanese goods together!

・Orders from 1 umbrella! You can choose the color! (Using umbrella packaging box)

・Can be shipped on the same day at the earliest!

If you have any questions, please contact the Circulation Department (Sales Department)


〇●〇 Original Products That Can Be Easily Made! 〇●〇

Recommendation for Customizing Labels of Small Pattern Tenugui!!

【First-Come-First-Served Bonus】Label Design Fee Discount Ongoing!


"Small Pattern Tenugui" is popular all year round!

By changing the label of the tenugui, you can easily launch it as an original product!!^^


Currently offering label design fee discount on a first-come-first-served basis!


By changing the label, you can appeal the special feeling that it can only be bought at this place,

and use it as a publicity tool to post recommended information, special offer information, event information, LINE registration information, Instagram registration information of the area.

In fact, clients who sell with original labels have a very high repeat rate and are well received.

More than 40 patterns to choose from!

Please consult us during this opportunity as an original product that can be easily made!!

Click here for tenugui that can have original labels Tenugui Here

Tenugui Original Label: Lot from 100~ Design change fee separately incurred (to be consulted)

If you have any requests or questions,

please contact the Circulation (Sales) Department.


〇●〇 Original Products That Can Be Easily Made! 〇●〇

Recommendation for Customizing Labels of Small Pattern Tenugui!!

【First-Come-First-Served Bonus】Label Design Fee Discount Ongoing!


The "Small Pattern Tenugui" is popular all year round!

By changing the label of the tenugui, you can easily launch it as an original product!!^^


First-come-first-served! Label design fee discount ongoing!


By changing the label, you can appeal the special feeling that it can only be bought at this place,

and use it as a publicity tool to post recommended information, special offer information, event information, LINE registration information, Instagram registration information of the area.

In fact, clients who sell with original labels have a very high repeat rate and are well received.

More than 40 patterns to choose from!

Please consult us during this opportunity as an original product that can be easily made!!

Click here for tenugui that can have original labels: Tenugui Here

Tenugui Original Label: Lot from 100 units~ Design change fee separately incurred (to be consulted)

If you have any requests or questions,

please contact the Circulation (Sales) Department.


★★★ Catalog Announcement ★★★

Inbound Catalog Released


With the increase in foreign tourists, we are receiving many inquiries!

Therefore, we have compiled products popular with inbound tourists!!

Inbound Catalog  

Contents: Washi Korokoro Okiagari Dolls, Costume Kokeshi, Maneki Neko, Daruma, Tenugui, Folding Fans, Toys, Magnets, Yuzen Pattern Products, etc.

Especially, Kokeshi are very popular and production cannot keep up.

We will ship in order of received orders.

Please place your orders early!!

Click here for Ishikawa Paper Industries Catalogs 


〇●〇 Popular Product Information 〇●〇

Ishikawa Paper Industries Original Hand-Dyed Mino Washi Series Now on Sale!


Since our founding in 1902, we have been involved with Mino Washi for many years, enabling us to produce our proud Washi!

A big hit at our directly managed store!

New patterns of Mino Washi Yuzen Dyeing Paper are being added one after another♪

Customers who purchased it say

"Beautiful!", "High quality", "Good color, texture, thickness!" and more.

Various uses
Book covers, small containers, accessories, folding screens, backgrounds, for crafts, etc.

Our Washi uses Mino Washi, which boasts a history of 1,300 years, and is hand-dyed in Kyoto for each color using Yuzen patterns, resulting in carefully crafted Yuzen-patterned Washi.

The beauty of Yuzen Washi lies in the vivid coloring that cannot be expressed with fabric, and the colorful fine patterns in each sheet.

For each color, specialized craftsmen create patterns, mix dyes, and hand-print.

It's a masterpiece of traditional craft that cannot be made without the skills of craftsmen, from Washi to dyeing.

Light, thin, and durable.

With abundant patterns, it can be widely used for gifts, materials for hobby works, displays such as wallpaper and placemats.

Orders from 1 sheet~. Please let us know your desired pattern number.

It is also possible to produce original patterns.

Click here for the explanation and catalog of hand-dyed Mino Washi ↓↓

Mino Washi Yuzen Dyeing Paper Catalog on Our Blog

*Yuzen patterns are regularly renewed.

Please inquire about stock status with the Circulation Department.


A Word from the Person in Charge ~Sato's Castle~

Thank you always for your support.

This is Sato, illuminated by Akari Art.

The "31st Mino Washi Akari Art Exhibition" has started last weekend in Mino City!

The works will beautifully light up every day from 5 PM in the "Udatsu Wall Historical District" until December 1.

I've been waiting for this event, so I've already gone to see it three times lol

There are many unique and wonderful works on display this time as well.

With the effect of the moonlight, the atmosphere is fantastically maximized!

The photos I took are posted at the end of this blog, so please take a look♪

The climate is good at this time of year, so it's especially recommended!
On weekdays, you can walk around without crowds.
On weekends, it's good to experience making things at our directly managed shop while it's still light,
and enjoy the art exhibition from the evening for a full Mino experience!
We look forward to seeing you in Mino City♪

我們出口日本傳統產品。您可以匯入。日本公主娃娃。美濃日本紙製品製造 石川纸業株式會社












2025年新登场  桃华雏人形二段装饰(小)凛 

21699 ¥9,000未税 9,900含税

批量1个 条码4532245216992 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 桃华雏人形三段装饰(小)紬颜色 

21702 ¥13,500未税 14,850含税

批量1个 条码4532245217029 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 桃华雏人形二段装饰(小)紬颜色

21701 ¥9,000未税 9,900含税

批量1个 条码4532245217012 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 桃华雏人形三段装饰(小)紬shira

21704 ¥13,500未税 14,850含税

批量1个 条码4532245217043 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 桃华雏人形二段装饰(小)紬shira

21703 ¥9,000未税 9,900含税

批量1个 条码4532245217036 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 玻璃雏人形三段装饰(小)翠 

21706 ¥25,000未税 27,500含税

批量1个 条码4532245217067 日本制造 单个盒装









2025年新登场 玻璃雏人形二段装饰(小)翠

21705 ¥18,000未税 19,800含税

批量1个 条码4532245217050 日本制造 单个盒装










品号21543 ¥7,500未税 8,250含税

批量1个 条码4532245215438 专用吊饰台附、单独盒装 日本制造


Image title 吊饰雏花环二段附装饰台 shira

品号21544 ¥7,000未税 7,700含税

批量1个 条码4532245215445 专用吊饰台附、单独盒装 日本制造


Image title


品号21444 ¥7,000未税 7,700含税

批量1个 条码4532245214448 专用吊饰台附、单独盒装 日本制造


Image title

绉绸吊饰兔粉色 台座另售  【仅限吊饰单品】  

品号11286 ¥12,000未税 13,200含税

批量1个 条码4532245112867 单独盒装 日本制造

Image title

雏人形十人装饰 附和纸盒

品号21298 ¥9,000未税 9,900含税

批量1个 条码4532245212987 人偶台座附盒装、单独盒装、日本制造


Image title

吊饰雏花环 附装饰台

品号21296 ¥2,600未税 2,860含税

批量1个 条码4532245212963 单独盒装、日本制造


Image title


品号21114 ¥2,600未税 2,860含税

宽70×深70×高240mm、单独盒装 日本制造
批量1个 条码4532245211140 单独盒装


Image title


品号21107 ¥1,700未税 1,870含税

批量5个 条码4532245211072


Image title


品号21108 ¥2,000未税 2,200含税

批量3个 条码4532245211089


Image title


品号21112 ¥2,000未税 2,200含税

批量3个 条码4532245211126


Image title


品号8482 ¥2,600未税 2,860含税

批量3个 条码4532245084829


Image title

绉绸沙包雏人形友禅 男雏・女雏

品号12677 单个¥700未税 770含税 男女单独销售1个

批量30个 条码4532245126772(商品上未标注)


Image title

石川纸业 雏人形的购买・咨询 


个人客户的购买,请前往在线商店 雏人形类别

Image title

总部 石川纸业官方网站此处in English总部FacebookInstagram
此处  石川纸业的全部目录此处
   邮编501-3721 岐阜县美浓市吉川町2382号  TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363
 营业时间08:30~17:30 周六日节假日休息 邮箱 shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

美浓和纸杂货体验店石川纸业此处in English店铺FacebookInstagram 
 邮编501-3728 岐阜县美浓市本住町1909-3乌达津之上的街道 十六银行美浓支店左侧
TEL 0575-29-3680传真、邮箱 请联系总部 



Ishikawa Paper goods Ltd, a Mino Washi goods manufacturer, announces new 2025 Hina Dolls (Ohinasama) products. They have released catalogs including Washi Dolls, Hanging Decorations, Chirimen Doll Crafts, Chirimen Beanbags, Folding Screens, and Kaishi (paper).

【Recommendations for New Hina Dolls in 2025】

■The 2025 new products include large and medium-sized three-tiered and two-tiered displays crafted with our Washiya handcraft techniques.

■These are Ishikawa Shigyo's "Original Hina Platforms" three-tiered and two-tiered displays using luxury white wooden stands.

■They are beautiful hina platforms completed after repeated design and prototyping unique to Ishikawa Shigyo.

■Especially, "Yuu" is a beautiful Hina Doll completed after many years of prototyping. Although compact, it is a large size for our company.

■Each series is named "Yuu", "Rin", "Tsumugi", and the glass series "Midori".

■All are Ishikawa Shigyo originals that suit both Japanese and Western styles. They are compact and can be displayed anywhere, fitting the current era.

■Enjoy "experience consumption" with handmade kits   

Handmade kits born from end-users are popular. With crafting skills, people of all ages and genders can easily enjoy Ishikawa Shigyo's handmade kits. They are widely used in workshops and events.

■Popular products: The ever-popular Shimenawa Hanging Decorations and Mobile Dolls, as well as handmade Beanbag Dolls, are fully stocked from new items to long-sellers.

■For corporate customers who order by the closing date, there is an early order benefit!

Benefit: Free shipping service! ※Orders can be placed from lot 1~. If shipped in multiple distributions, only one destination is eligible. In the case of split deliveries, only the first shipment is eligible.

Our original Hina Dolls, created with the handmade techniques of Ishikawa Shigyo founded in 1902 (Meiji 35), are truly handmade products that require a lot of effort and time. If the sleeves or hair length and angle of the Hina Dolls are slightly different, we make and draw the expressions accordingly. Even if the quality is the same, no two products are the same, and each one shines individually.

The Ohinasama Decoration Catalog includes the brands 'Washi-ya no Te Shigoto' and 'Washi-ya no Chirimen Saiku', and all our Hina Dolls are our own products that we can confidently say we have poured time, effort, and love into by hand.
Ishikawa Shigyo brands 'Washi-ya no Te Shigoto' are handmade washi goods centered on hand-dyed Mino Washi. 'Washi-ya no Chirimen Saiku' are chirimen crafts that fuse Mino Washi and chirimen with Ishikawa Shigyo's techniques, bringing new winds.

From Mino City, Gifu Prefecture, the production area of Mino Washi, we sincerely hope that our carefully handmade Ohinasama decorations bring smiles and happiness to everyone. Recommended for corporate wholesale, retail sales, and individuals as first festival decorations, presents, gifts, entrance decorations, store displays, sales, gifts, souvenirs, commemorative items, and displays. Ohinasama Hina Dolls, Chirimen, Handmade, Japanese Pattern, Fabric, Material, Auspicious, Ornament, Compact, Handmade, Fun, New Product, New Work, Catalog, Hanging Hina, Washi, Hanging Decoration, Obina, Mebina, Bonbori, Sannin Kanjo, Folding Screen, Stand Included, Cat, Rabbit, Cat

Image title

'Washi-ya no Te Shigoto' is Ishikawa Shigyo's Mino Washi goods brand born from the handcraft culture of the Mino Washi production area where handcraft culture has been alive since the Edo period. The logo mark is the Udatsu of Mino City, representing "Udatsu ga agaru" (to improve one's status).

'Washi-ya no Chirimen Saiku' is Ishikawa Shigyo's chirimen goods brand that fuses Mino Washi and chirimen with Ishikawa Shigyo's techniques. The logo mark is a pinwheel that brings new winds.

Image title

【Head Office Ishikawa Shigyo Company Overview】

Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd. was founded in 1902 (Meiji 35) in Mino City, Gifu Prefecture, the production area of Mino Washi. Through our value of "Washi-ya no Te Shigoto" handcrafts, we manufacture and wholesale Mino Washi goods. Incorporating entertainment into traditional crafts, we plan, develop, manufacture, and sell. We have the highest number of Mino Washi Brand certifications in Japan (worldwide).

We offer OEM production and original creations. We produce hand-dyed Mino Washi, chiyogami, DIY kits, washi dolls, zodiac New Year's decorations, twelve zodiac ornaments, Hina dolls, Ohinasama, May dolls, helmet decorations, carp streamer decorations, entrance decorations, seasonal ornaments, seasonal products, washi korokoro, chirimen dolls, washi papier-mâché, kokeshi dolls, products for inbound tourists, overseas souvenirs, Japanese souvenirs, washi stationery, small envelopes, noshi bags, bookmarks, memo pads, origami, diaries, pencil cases, postcard boxes, goshuincho (temple stamp books), wagasa (Japanese umbrellas), fans, uchiwa fans, fan cases, washi photo frames, business card holders, card cases, washi accessories (earrings, brooches, hair ties), washi magnets (clip magnets), tenugui towels, Japanese pattern towels, kaishi papers, oil blotting papers, washi coasters, torn paper art, postcard hangers, tapestries, netsuke, toothpick holders, ear picks, Japanese toys, folk toys—annually, we manufacture and wholesale 1,200 types of handmade Japanese and washi goods to manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in various industries domestically and internationally.

We produce original papier-mâché figures, including anime characters, event mascots, company mascots, local mascots, and famous items from shrines, offering OEM and original production services.

Each one is handmade. We handle 1,230 items. You'll find the Japanese goods you want.Founded in 1902 (Meiji 35), Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd.

2025 Ohinasama Catalog・2025 Hina Doll Catalog is here
※Please note that downloading the PDF may take some time.

Ishikawa Shigyo Ohinasama Purchase & Inquiries     

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visitIshikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, for purchases, please visitOnline Shop Ohinasama Category

Orders accepted from one piece.  
Orders below the lot quantity will be shipped after completion. If you have a desired shipping date, please understand that items not in stock may be canceled.  
Orders in lot units are not subject to the above. If there are backordered items, we will inform you of the delivery date. 

New Release in 2025 Momoka Hina Doll Two-Tiered Display (Large) Yuu

21697 ¥20,000 excluding tax ¥22,000 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245216978 Made in Japan Individual Box

Boxed 【Overall】Width 290×Depth 200×Height 150mm

Chirimen (Female Doll ×1, Male Doll ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3, Tachibana Tree

×1, Peach Blossom ×1, Bonbori Lanterns ×2, Hishi Mochi ×2)

White wooden two-tiered stand ×1, Wooden plaque ×1

A beautifully handmade two-tiered Hina Doll set, carefully crafted piece by piece, including the male and female dolls, three court ladies, peach blossom, tachibana tree, bonbori lanterns, and hishi mochi.

"Yuu" is named with the wish for "growing into a gentle person with a warm heart."

The cute expressions bring smiles to those who display them. Each of the three court ladies holds a sake kettle, a tray, and a long-handled sake kettle, watching over you.

New Release in 2025 Momoka Hina Doll Three-Tiered Display (Small) Rin

21700 ¥13,500 excluding tax ¥14,850 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245217005 Made in Japan Individual Box

【Overall】Width 170×Depth 160×Height 115mm

Chirimen (Female Doll ×1, Male Doll ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3,

Five Musicians ×5, Tachibana Tree ×1, Peach Blossom ×1, Bonbori Lanterns ×2, Curtain ×1)

White wooden three-tiered stand ×1, Wooden plaque ×1

A chirimen handmade Hina Doll set. All 10 dolls, peach tree, tachibana tree, bonbori lanterns, and curtain are handmade.

"Rin" is named with the wish for "growing into a noble and courageous person."

They watch over those who display them with bright expressions full of energy.

New Arrival in 2025  Momoka Hina Doll Two-Tiered Display (Small) Rin 

21699 ¥9,000 excluding tax ¥9,900 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245216992 Made in Japan Individual Box

【Overall】Width 170×Depth 110×Height 105mm

Chirimen (Female Doll ×1, Male Doll ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3,

Tachibana Tree ×1, Peach Blossom ×1, Bonbori Lanterns ×2, Curtain ×1)

White wooden two-tiered stand ×1, Wooden plaque ×1

A chirimen handmade Hina Doll set. All 5 dolls, peach tree, tachibana tree, bonbori lanterns, and curtain are handmade.

"Rin" is named with the wish for "growing into a noble and courageous person."

They watch over those who display them with bright expressions full of energy.

21705 ¥18,000 excluding tax ¥19,800 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245217050 Made in Japan Individual Box

【Overall】Width 170×Depth 110×Height 75mm

Glass (Female Doll ×1, Male Doll ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3,

Tachibana Tree ×1, Cherry Blossom ×1, Bonbori Lanterns ×2, Hishi Mochi ×2)

White wooden two-tiered stand ×1, Wooden plaque ×1

Each glass Hina Doll is handmade, allowing you to enjoy its shine.

Glass has little discoloration or deterioration, so its beauty lasts long.

"Midori" is named with the wish for "growing into a beautiful and radiant person."

Designed to suit both Western and Japanese rooms, it can be displayed compactly.

Image title

 Shimenawa Hanging Decoration Hina Doll Two-Tiered with Stand

Item No. 21543 ¥7,500 excluding tax ¥8,250 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245215438 Comes with a dedicated hanging decoration stand, individual box, Made in Japan
Size: 【Overall】Width 130×Depth 55×Height 230mm
Contents: Chirimen craft (Doll wreath ×1, Tachibana Tree ×1, Peach Blossom ×1), Mino Washi hanging decoration stand ×1
※There may be differences in shape and color depending on the product

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

 Hanging Hina Wreath Two-Tiered with Stand shira

Item No. 21544 ¥7,000 excluding tax ¥7,700 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245215445 Comes with a dedicated hanging decoration stand, individual box, Made in Japan
Size: 【Overall】Width 115×Depth 55×Height 230mm
Contents: Chirimen craft (Doll wreath ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3, Tachibana Tree ×1, Peach Blossom ×1), Mino Washi hanging decoration stand ×1
※There may be differences in shape and color depending on the product

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Hanging Hina Wreath Two-Tiered with Stand

Item No. 21444 ¥7,000 excluding tax ¥7,700 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245214448 Comes with a dedicated hanging decoration stand, individual box, Made in Japan
Size: 【Overall】Width 115×Depth 55×Height 230mm
Contents: Doll wreath ×1, Three Court Ladies ×3, Tachibana Tree ×1, Peach Blossom ×1, Mino Washi hanging decoration stand ×1
※There may be differences in shape and color depending on the product

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Chirimen Hanging Decoration Rabbit Pink Stand Sold Separately  【Hanging Decoration Only】  

Item No. 11286 ¥12,000 excluding tax ¥13,200 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245112867 Individual box, Made in Japan
【Hanging Decoration】Width 115×Depth 115×Height 350mm
Hanging decoration ×1

Image title

Ohinasama Ten-Piece Set with Washi Box

Item No. 21298 ¥9,000 excluding tax ¥9,900 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245212987 Includes doll stand box, individual box, Made in Japan
【Overall】Diameter 150×Depth 150×Height 75mm 【Washi Box】Width 220×Depth 160×Height 57mm
Contents: Washi box, male doll, female doll, three court ladies, five musicians, curtain, platform for main dolls, two bonbori lanterns, peach tree, tachibana tree, red felt stand

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Hanging Hina Wreath with Stand

Item No. 21296 ¥2,600 excluding tax ¥2,860 including tax

Lot 1 Barcode 4532245212963 Individual box, Made in Japan
【Overall】Diameter 75×Depth 55×Height 165mm
【Doll Wreath】Diameter 75×Depth 20×Height 140mm
【Hanging Decoration Stand】Diameter 55×Height 165mm
Contents: Chirimen doll wreath, Mino Washi hanging decoration stand
※There may be differences in shape and color of the tassel part

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Ohinasama Hanging Decoration with Stand

Item No. 21114 ¥2,600 excluding tax ¥2,860 including tax

Width 70×Depth 70×Height 240mm, Individual box, Made in Japan
Lot 1 Barcode 4532245211140
Contents: Two chirimen dolls, chirimen balls, chirimen flowers and hishi mochi hanging decorations. Comes with a wooden stand covered with hand-dyed Mino Washi
※There may be differences in shape and color of the tassel part

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Love Swing Ohinasama

Item No. 21107 ¥1,700 excluding tax ¥1,870 including tax

Width 85×Depth 55×Height 90mm, Individual box, Made in Japan
Lot 5 Barcode 4532245211072
Contents: Two Mino Washi dolls hanging from a mobile stand made of our original hand-dyed Mino Washi (emi neko girly)

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Mini Five-Piece Rabbit Hina Doll

Item No. 21108 ¥2,000 excluding tax ¥2,200 including tax

Width 75×Depth 75×Height 55mm, Individual box, Made in Japan
Lot 3 Barcode 4532245211089
Contents: Five Mino Washi dolls and four Mino Washi flowers fixed on a two-tiered stand made of hand-dyed Mino Washi (emi rabbit vivid)

For corporate customers, for transactions, purchases, and inquiries, please visit Ishikawa Shigyo Contact
For individual customers, to purchase, please visit Online Shop

Image title

Founded in 1902, manufacturing 1,500 types of handmade Japanese goods!
Head Office Ishikawa Shigyo's website is here,in English, Head Office Facebook,Instagram
For orders and inquiries
, please click here. All Ishikawa Shigyo catalogs are here
   2382 Yoshikawa-cho, Mino City, Gifu Prefecture 501-3721 TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363
 Business hours: 08:30–17:30 Closed on weekends and holidays Email: shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

When visiting Mino City, Gifu Prefecture, don't miss this place! Enjoy fun handcraft experiences and shop from 600 types of Japanese goods!
Mino Washi Goods Experience Shop Ishikawa Shigyo is here,in English, Shop Facebook, Instagram 
 1909-3 Honjyu-cho, Mino City, Gifu Prefecture 501-3728, next to Juroku Bank Mino Branch in Udatsu no Agaru Machinami
TEL 0575-29-3680, FAX and Email: Please contact the Head Office 

ISHIKAWA PAPER PRODUCTS CO. JAPANESE TRADITIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS Information October 2024 Issue No. 479 Ikikoi Communication 2025 Hina Dolls, 2025 Children's Day Dolls New Products, Catalogs, and Benefits! Convenient Magnet Benefits! New Magnet Products th


Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd. introducesnew productswith special offers. We are delighted to deliver fresh and exciting information to your vibrant and stylish self!

Mino washi paper for foreigners, high-end souvenirs

For inbound tourists, Japanese culture, washi products

Japanese-style gifts, overseas exports, Japanese culture

Foreign tourists, washi products, OEM

High-end washi goods, overseas exports, traditional crafts

Gifu Mino washi paper, souvenirs for foreigners

Japanese culture, traditional crafts, washi souvenirs

Craftsmanship, washi crafts, souvenirs for foreigners

Foreign tourists, Japanese-style interior gifts

Traditional washi crafts, for overseas tourists

Traditional Japanese crafts, washi souvenirs, overseas exports

Washi goods that give a feel of Japanese culture, for foreigners

For foreigners, Japanese traditions, washi gift sets

Gifu washi crafts, souvenirs for overseas tourists

Traditional Japanese gifts, overseas tourists

Japanese paper souvenirs for foreigners

High-quality Japanese paper products

Japanese culture souvenirs

Japanese traditional crafts for overseas

Japanese paper goods for inbound tourists

Japanese culture gifts

Japanese souvenirs for overseas export

Traditional crafts original production

Japanese goods for foreign tourists

Japanese-style gifts for overseas

Mino washi Japanese tradition

Japanese souvenirs popular overseas

Japanese paper product gift set

Japanese paper goods for overseas export

Japanese tradition crafts

■2025 New Hina Dolls2025 Hina Doll Catalog Early Booking BonusFree Shipping Offer!

■2025 New Samurai Dolls2025 Samurai Doll Catalog Early Booking BonusFree Shipping Offer! 

Shrine-Exclusive Catalog! Introducing new products for shrines and temples!
Special offer! Paid sample shipping service, Free shipping on orders of 1 or more units, with a total value of 5,000 yen or more

Pre-revision price offer! 'Handy Magnet Series' New Products'Magnetic Clips Flowers, Hexagram, Heart'  

■New Product! Handmade Kit for WASHI KOROKORO Red Oni is here!

■Special offer! 'WASHI KOROKORO 10' Buy 10 of the WASHI KOROKORO series for a chance to win! (Includes both finished products and kits)

■'NOSHI Pochi 10' Special Offer! Buy any 30 NOSHI Pochi envelopes in total and getfree shipping

■Special offer for 'Original Tenugui Labels'! Customize popular Tenugui cloth withexclusive labels!

■'MINO Maneki' Special Offer! Free shipping on four types of WASHI-covered ceramic figures, including the Beckoning Cat and Rabbit

Take advantage of our ongoing campaign benefits!

Check out the latest special offers on new products from Ishikawa Shigyo for 2024 (January to August) here

IKI IKI Newsletter October 2024 NO.479← Click here for the PDF version
*The PDF download may take some time.

Founded in 1902 (Meiji 35) Handcrafted Japanese Paper Goods

Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd.

TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363 


【Ishikawa Shigyo Company Overview】

Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd. was founded in 1902 in Mino City, Gifu Prefecture, the birthplace of Mino Washi paper. We manufacture and wholesale Mino Washi goods through our philosophy of "Handcrafted by Washiya." We integrate entertainment into traditional crafts through planning, development, production, and sales. We hold the highest number of Mino Washi brand certifications in Japan (and the world).

OEM production and original creations. Hand-dyed Mino Washi, Chiyogami paper, handmade kits, washi dolls, zodiac New Year decorations, 12 zodiac ornaments, Hina dolls, Ohinasama dolls, Samurai dolls, Kabuto decorations, Koi Nobori decorations, entrance decorations, seasonal decorations, seasonal products, Washi Korokoro, Chirimen dolls, washi papier-mâché, Kokeshi dolls, products for inbound tourists, international souvenirs, Japanese souvenirs, washi stationery, money envelopes, gift envelopes, bookmarks, memo pads, origami, diaries, pen cases, postcard boxes, Goshuincho, Japanese umbrellas, folding fans, hand fans, fan cases, washi photo frames, business card holders, card cases, washi accessories (earrings, brooches, hair ties), washi magnets (clip magnets), hand towels, Japanese-pattern towels, pocket paper, oil blotting paper, washi coasters, torn paper art, postcard hangers, tapestries, netsuke, toothpick holders, ear picks, Japanese toys, regional toys. We produce 1,200 types of handmade washi crafts and goods for manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers both in Japan and abroad every year.

Original papier-mâché production for anime characters, event characters, company mascots, local Yuru-chara, and shrine specialties, among many other OEM and original creations.

OEM Examples

[Character Anime]

 Chibi Maruko-chan, Snoopy, Monchichi, (株) Nippon Vogue, (株) Sekiguchi, Rurouni Kenshin

 Pochita (Chainsaw Man), Attack on Titan, Nyanko-sensei (Natsume's Book of Friends)

[Yuru-Chara: Regional, Corporate, Sports]

Kuidarou Taro (Osaka), Tsubakuro (Yakult Swallows), Chuukyoo-kun (Chukyo TV), Giffy (FC Gifu)

[Vehicle Characters: Government Agencies & Museums]

 Lunar Probe SLIM (Slim) - JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Type 3 Fighter Hien - Gifu Kakamigahara Aviation Museum, Sightseeing Train Nagara - Nagaragawa Railway Co., Ltd., Gifu Bus - Gifu Municipal Bus Co., Ltd.

[Historical Figures: Samurai]

Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Akechi Mitsuhide, Kicho (Nohime), Ishida Mitsunari, Otani Yoshitsugu, Kuroda Nagamasa, Fukushima Masanori, Shimazu Yoshihiro, Kobayakawa Hideaki, Ushiwakamaru

[Animal Characters]

Ferret, Yamane (Dormouse), Jersey Cow (Keep Association), Wolf (Mitsuha Shrine)

Tourism and specialty product sales, daily goods sales, department store wholesale sales, online sales, mail order sales, doll sales, pottery sales, lacquerware sales, stationery bookstore sales, kimono sales, tea manufacturing and sales, confectionery and food manufacturing and sales, paper specialty stores, shrine and temple wholesale sales, flower shops and materials sales, event planning company sales, paper museum sales, general museum shop sales, global export wholesaler sales, overseas sales, advertising agency sales, promotional products sales, souvenir sales, handicraft store sales, hobby store sales, washi retail sales. We manufacture and wholesale for manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in various industries.

Suisui Communication October 2024 Issue NO.479 ← Click here for the PDF version

■New Hina Dolls for 2025 2025 Hina Doll Catalog Early Reservation Benefits Free Shipping Service! 

2025 Hina Doll Catalog Here

*Downloading the PDF may take some time.

2025 Hina Dolls Introduction Blog Here

Customers who wish to receive the 2025 Hina Doll profile, please contact your sales representative!

【Recommended New Products for 2025 Hina Dolls】

New for 2025 is created with the craftsmanship of washi artisans, large and medium three-tier and two-tier displays.

■Using high-quality natural wood base,Ishikawa Shigyo's "Original Hina Display" three-tier and two-tier.

■Abeautiful Hina display designed and prototyped exclusively by Ishikawa Shigyo.

■Especially"Yu" is a beautiful Hina doll completed after many years of prototyping. While compact, it is a large size for our company.

■Each series is named "Yu", "Rin", "Tsumugi", and the glass version "Sui".

■All are Ishikawa Shigyo originals that suit both Japanese and Western styles. They can be displayed compactly without needing much space.

DIY Kits for "Consumption of Things"                                   

DIY kits born from end-user feedback are popular. With craft skills, people of all ages can easily enjoy Ishikawa Shigyo's DIY kits. They are also widely used at events such as workshops.


■Popular products, including shime-nawa hanging decorations and mobiles, as well as handmade handball dolls, range from new releases to long-selling items.

■For corporate customers who place orders by the deadline, there are early order benefits!

Benefit: Free Shipping Service! *Orders can be placed from Lot 1~. In the case of split delivery, only one location is available. For split delivery, it is only for the first delivery.

【Benefit】! Early Reservation Benefit Free Shipping Service!

Please make reservations early due to handmade production!

Order by the deadline Free Shipping Service

Reservations for "2025 Hina Dolls" are accepted. Lot 1~ OK

Delivery dates can be arranged according to your preferred schedule, regardless of the order deadline.

[Order Deadline]

1st Hina Doll: 10/31 (Wed)

2nd Hina Doll: 11/29 (Fri)

Ishikawa Shigyo Co., Ltd. TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363 shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

■2025 New Gofun Dolls 2025 Gofun Doll Catalog Early Reservation Benefits Free Shipping Service! 

2025 Gofun Doll Catalog Here

* Please note that downloading the PDF may take some time.

2025 Gofun Doll Introduction Blog Here

If you wish to receive a profile of the 2025 Gofun Dolls, please contact your sales representative!

【Recommended New Products for 2025 Gofun Dolls】

◆ A luxurious and splendid Mino Washi Kabuto Decoration, with an original design High-Quality Chirimen Koinobori Decoration set.

This luxurious compact Gofun Doll decoration allows modern users to display both Koinobori and Kabuto together.

◆ Enjoy the fun of displaying the Mino Washi Kabuto Decoration and Koinobori Decoration separately. Each comes with a high-quality wooden base.

◆ The Mino Washi Kabuto Decoration features a detailed and beautiful pattern that cannot be expressed with fabric,

Choose from original patterns: Shira Nami, Dot Gold, Shira Sakura, Shira Nami Black, Shira Nami Gold, Yuzen Gold.

Choose from various Kabuto Shapes: Long Kabuto, Large Kabuto, Mitsuzuki.

Koinobori decorations are available in the Shira type and Color type.

◆ Popular Paulownia Box Type and White Wooden Base Type available for purchase based on your needs.

◆ Handmade Kits for "Koto Consumption"

The handmade kits born from end-users are popular. With arts and crafts skills, people of all ages can easily enjoy Ishikawa Shigyo's handmade kits.

They are also widely used in events such as workshops.

Popular Products

Every year, highly popular Gofun Doll Hariko, Shimenawa Hanging Decorations, and Mobile Dolls, along with handmade Handmade Temari Dolls are plentiful from new products to long-selling.

◆ For corporations that place orders by the deadline, there are early order benefits!

Benefits: Free Shipping Service! *Orders from Lot 1 are acceptable. For separate shipments, only one delivery location is permitted. For partial shipments, this applies only to the first delivery.

【Benefits】! Early Reservation Benefits Free Shipping Service!

Please reserve early as it is handmade!

Free shipping service for reservations made by the order deadline!

Reservations for "2025 Gofun Dolls" are accepted. Lot 1 and above OK

The delivery date will be according to your desired schedule, regardless of the order cutoff date.

[Order Cutoff Date]

1st Hina Doll: 10/31 (Wed)

2nd Hina Doll: 11/29 (Fri)

Ishikawa Paper Industry Co., Ltd. TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363 shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

■『Special Catalog for Shrines and Temples』! New product introduction for shrines and temples!
Special offer! Paid sample shipping service,
From 1 lot, free shipping for orders totaling 5000 yen or more

We have created a “Special Catalog for Shrines and Temples”! We will distribute the catalog!

For shrines and temples, please contact us if you are a dealer handling our products!

For shrines and temples, paper products are appreciated as they do not have issues with cremation when it comes to doll worship or collection.

Paid sample shipping service, from 1 lot, Free shipping for orders totaling 5000 yen or more (one time)

Ishikawa Paper Industry Co., Ltd. TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363 shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

Pre-Revised Price Special! 'Convenient Magnet Series'! New Product 'Magnet Flowers that Can Be Inserted, Hexagram, Heart' 

We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage of our products.

We will implement a price revision (increase) as follows. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause,

and we kindly ask for your understanding and continued support.

Target Product 1: Convenient Magnet Series as detailed below Price revision date: November 1, 2024 onwards

※ The following products will be honored at the old prices for orders received until October 31, 2024!
※ Orders accepted with delivery dates after October 31!
We look forward to your orders!

Convenient round, star, flower, heart, and square magnets will be discontinued as supplies last.

■New Product 'Insertable Round, Square, Flower, Hexagram, Heart Magnets' is coming! Special offer! 

Convenient round, square, star, flower, and heart magnets will be replaced by insertable magnets!

Special offer! If you purchase 30 or more insertable magnets, we will gift you a magnet board for sales convenience! 


■New Product!Washi Korokoro Red Oni Handmade Kit is here! 

55533 【Handmade Kit】

Washi Korokoro Red Oni Handmade Kit with Blueprint  Price: ¥1,000 + tax

20034 【Finished Product】

Washi Korokoro Red Oni  Price: ¥1,000 + tax

For purchase, the special offer "Washi Korokoro 10" is convenient! 


■Special Offer! Buy 10 of the 'Washi Korokoro 10' series (both finished products and kits) for a chance! 

Get a chance with bulk purchases of the Washi Korokoro series!

●Offer: Applicable to any Washi Korokoro finished product or kit!

With 10 or more, get 1 sample for free *Limited to the first order.

Washi Korokoro Weeble Doll Catalog Here

Note: It may take some time to download the PDF.

Washi Korokoro Handmade Kit Catalog Here

Note: It may take some time to download the PDF.

■'Noshipochi 10' Special Offer! Any Noshipochi envelope, total of 30 items for Free Shipping Service 

Noshifukuro, Pochi-fukuro Trial Offer 

Any Noshipochi envelope for total of 30 items for Free Shipping Service "Noshipochi 30"

Japanese Stationery (Noshifu, Pochifuku) Catalog Here

Note: It may take some time to download the PDF.

■'Original Label for Tenugui' Special Offer! Get a Custom Label  for the popular Komon pattern tenugui! 

Currently creating label proofs for free!Tourist site names, shop logos, character designs can be made into Custom Labels.

Custom Labels start from 50 pieces

Komon Pattern Tenugui Catalog Here

Note: It may take some time to download the PDF.

■'Mino Maneki' Special Offer! For four items of Washi-covered ceramic dolls, beckoning cats, and rabbits, Free Shipping Service 

Washi-covered Ceramic Dolls 'Mino Maneki' Catalog Here

Note: It may take some time to download the PDF.

■Recommended for Local Events!

Tourist associations and local governments, would you like to hold handmade experience events?

We recommend "handmade experiences" at local events!

Local mascots and famous animals from the area,

Let's have a handmade experience event with the handmade kit for washi "Okiagarikoboshi"!

Originals can be made starting from a lot of 300 pieces!
 You can easily hold an experience event with a kit that includes detailed blueprints.

For more details, please contact your sales representative.

★Newsletter sent out every week★

Head office newsletter and experience shop newsletter

Packed with great latest information!

Please contact the Circulation Department to register!

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Please support Ishikawa Shigyo, which makes handmade Japanese goods and chirimen crafts, in the production area of Mino washi. We sincerely hope that our warm atmosphere and products can create smiles for our customers and gift them happiness and energy.

Founded in Meiji 35, with 1,500 types of handmade Japanese goods!
Head Office Ishikawa Shigyo Click here,in English, Head OfficeFacebook,Instagram
    〒501-3721 Gifu Prefecture, Mino City, Yoshikawa Town 2382 TEL 0575-33-0228 FAX 0575-35-1363
  Business hours 08:30~17:30 Closed on weekends and holidays Email shigyo@jt7.so-net.ne.jp

Directly operated store selling 600 types of fun handmade experiences and Japanese goods! Certified as "Shoryudo Manufacturing Selection"
Mino Washi Goods Experience Shop Ishikawa Shigyo Click here,in English, ShopFacebook,Instagram 
〒501-3728 Gifu Prefecture, Mino City, Honzumi Town 1909-3, left side of the Juroku Bank Mino Branch in the townscape with udatsu
TEL 0575-29-3680, FAX, Email to the head office